Chiropractic documentation gap analysis

Recognize what’s missing to master your reimbursement and collections!

This Documentation Gap Analysis allows us to evaluate the significant components of your current Documentation program. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Take The Billing GAP Analysis

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Sometimes you need more than a self-service, on-demand program and need an expert to analyze your issues, train the corrections, and help you implement the changes, so they stick

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New Course Available!

This course explains the significant role chiropractic care can play in the sports industry and how a DC can succeed as a Sports Chiropractor. Start your steps to success here!

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There's no need to fear the OIG. We've got your back!

The most effective chiropractic OIG compliance programs are scaled according to the size of the practice!

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HIPAA Heartburn

We interact with enough providers every week to know that nobody wants to have to worry about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It’s not fun, and it’s not sexy. But it’s important.

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Knowing and Understanding the Importance of Protected Health Information (PHI)

The term Protected Health Information (PHI) has been used since the introduction of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996). Yet there are still individuals and entities that do not have a full understanding of what Protected Health Information (PHI) is and encompasses. The lack of this knowledge has the potential to place you, your staff and your clinic at risk for HIPAA Compliance.

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Please Don’t Bill Insurance for Your Hydro-Bed Modality!

A Hydro-Bed modality, aka hydrotherapy table, water massager, aqua table or hydro-massager, is a device in which water is used to administer a massage-type therapy. These devices are usually in a table format and are available in several variations.

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Documentation & Coding

Using Patient Satisfaction Surveys for Practice Improvement

A Patient Satisfaction Survey is an often-overlooked source of valuable information you can use to improve your practice. Today’s healthcare industry continues to increase its demands for quality measures. Thus, it makes sense for you to keep tabs on how you measure up against the competition.

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Time of Service Discounts Explained

To remain competitive in the market and make it more affordable for these patients, sometimes inappropriate discounts are offered. This is usually in the form of a so-called Time of Service (Bookkeeping Savings) discount.

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What is MRP and Why Does it Matter?

MRP stands for Medical Review Policy. Many providers and CAs raise an inquisitive brow when MRP is mentioned, having never even heard of it before. Make no mistake, this policy matters and plays a key role in determining the care that is reimbursable by a payor. The MRP is an administrative and educational tool designed to help providers, physicians, and suppliers submit correct claims for payment.

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What is Protected Health Information (PHI)?

PHI is at the very core of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The underlying purpose of HIPAA is to ensure that the personally identifiable information in a patient’s health record is kept private and protected.

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Snowbirds! It’s That Time of Year Again!

In the snow belt states, the annual migration of the snowbirds heading to warmer locales begins. What are snowbirds? These are people who usually head south for the winter to escape the cold and snow of their home state. There is also a variation of the snowbird called a “snow flake” who are people who spend portions of the winter in the south and head back north at various times.

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What’s Your Disaster Plan?

We all think it can’t happen to us . . . until it does. A natural disaster occurs, be it a flood, hurricane, or fire. These have certainly taken center stage recently. Some may experience the latest plague on the internet: ransomware.

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Compliance is NOT a Thing!

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