Free Chiropractic Help
At KMC University, we’re constantly reading, studying, and acquiring the very latest information about the chiropractic profession—and you are the ultimate beneficiary of our diligence! When we come across something we know will benefit you, we link to it here. This public access free chiropractic help area is packed with a vast repository of articles, news, videos, links to external resources, and general information covering our areas of focus and listed in chronological order.
Check out Quick Answers to commonly asked questions on:
Also, be sure to visit our events page to see where you’ll find one of our expert speakers next. Whether it’s a custom training at an individual chiropractic office, one of our own seminars/webinars, or as sought-after speakers and subject matter experts at State Association meetings and other industry events.
Kathy recently gave a one hour webinar on coding and billing changes for 2023 to our membership. The feedback from attendees was extremely positive with a deep appreciation to KMCU for sharing timely, relevant and important information/changes for members to use in their practices immediately. Thank you for sharing your expertise with Vermont, KMCU!