Chiropractic documentation gap analysis

Recognize what’s missing to master your reimbursement and collections!

This Documentation Gap Analysis allows us to evaluate the significant components of your current Documentation program. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Take The Billing GAP Analysis

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This course explains the significant role chiropractic care can play in the sports industry and how a DC can succeed as a Sports Chiropractor. Start your steps to success here!

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The most effective chiropractic OIG compliance programs are scaled according to the size of the practice!

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The Story of Kathy (KMC) Weidner | Part III

Throughout 2023, KMC University is celebrating our founder, Kathy (KMC) Weidner, for reaching an incredible milestone!


Kathys 40th logoContinued from Part II…

Learning From the Best

After relocating to Washington, DC, Kathy had the opportunity to serve the entire profession at a national level at the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). She served as the ACA’s primary staff contact for coding, insurance, Medicare, and other practice management issues. During this time, Kathy gained tremendous knowledge about coding, Medicare, documentation, and other compliance issues from the leaders who formulate policy.

Kathy’s Personal Story

“I served as staff liaison to the Coding Committee, the group that works with the CPT Editorial Panel and supplies two DCs to sit on the committees that work with coding. Because we were a national association, we had to comment on any coding changes that could affect our profession. The research I did there and preparing for those committee calls elevated my knowledge of coding ten-fold.

I served as staff liaison to the Medicare and Senior Citizen’s committees. I got to learn at the feet of the Governmental Relations department and attorney to see what goes on behind the scenes. I learned how the fees are determined and many other congressional activities that affect the profession.

I was responsible in my department for staying on top of the changes and making recommendations to the committees. I worked with the committee each year to compile the ACA’s annual Coding and Billing Manual. It is where I honed my content development skills.

I was available to state associations as an expert speaker. Because I had national speaking experience, I was known to many of them. During this time, I became familiar with more executives at the state level and was honored to be a featured CE speaker at their events.

I was asked to present for the ACA at events like the annual House of Delegates meeting, and the National Chiropractic Legislative Conference (NCLC) each year. It was during one of those seminars that I met Dr. Mark Sanna. He approached me after the seminar and explained that he owned Breakthrough Coaching and said if I ever needed a job, I should let him know.”

Making a Real Difference

Another move brought Kathy to Denver, CO, and an opportunity that changed the course of her career. From 2001-2006, she served as a Senior Coach with Breakthrough Coaching (BTC) and worked directly with more than 100 practices throughout the country, training them with ethical and unique practice-building techniques. During this six-year period, Kathy spoke to and trained thousands of doctors and team members

Kathy’s Personal Story

“After reaching out to Dr. Sanna, he hired me as a contractor for BTC. I became the first non-doctor, and non-former client to be a Senior Coach. Working at BTC, I helped create and build much of the content in the member learning area. I served on the recruitment team and as his liaison to The Strategic Partners. At one time, I coached as many as 70 practices on coding, documentation, billing, marketing, and practice management.

Because of my experience in multi-disciplinary practice (MDP), I also worked with many of these practices during my time there. It was during this time that the government introduced the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Compliance Guidance for Small and Group Practices. I became an expert on these laws and spoke at many state association conventions. At one point, I was speaking professionally 35-40 times a year. It certainly raised my national prominence and recognition. I became known as a national expert in Medicare, compliance, billing, coding, and documentation.

Because I was already working as my own business as a contractor, I began to explore whether I wanted to jump into the entrepreneurial pool myself. Dr. Sanna had graciously allowed my contractor agreement to include no provisions for non-competition for any of the knowledge I brought to BTC. It allowed me to consider forging out on my own. Although I loved my time coaching at BTC, I resonated much more with the documentation, compliance, and billing aspects of my coaching than with the general practice management areas. I’m proud that I made this move with integrity and preserve my friendship with Dr. Sanna to this day.”

Continue reading at Part IV

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I cannot put into words how much I appreciate you. I was becoming depressed and just felt I was going in circles. I don't think you can even realize what a profound effect you have and the gift you have of helping. I feel I have just been given a new friend and I can tell you that I have literally been praying for someone like you to come into my life. One of my favorite sayings is "when the student is ready the teacher appears" I am so ready. Thank you so much.
