
Free Webinar!

Billing 101: A Primer for DCs and CAs
Tue, Feb 25, 2025 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST

Chiropractic documentation gap analysis

Recognize what’s missing to master your reimbursement and collections!

This Documentation Gap Analysis allows us to evaluate the significant components of your current Documentation program. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Take The Billing GAP Analysis

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Sometimes you need more than a self-service, on-demand program and need an expert to analyze your issues, train the corrections, and help you implement the changes, so they stick

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New Course Available!

This course explains the significant role chiropractic care can play in the sports industry and how a DC can succeed as a Sports Chiropractor. Start your steps to success here!

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There's no need to fear the OIG. We've got your back!

The most effective chiropractic OIG compliance programs are scaled according to the size of the practice!

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Medicare Enrollment with KMC University

Chiropractors Treating Medicare Part B Patients Must Be Enrolled With Their Part B Contractor

Unlock the Power of Chiropractic Medicare Credentialing and NPI Set Up with KMCU

Are you a chiropractor seeking seamless Medicare B enrollment services? Look no further! KMC University, in collaboration with Rapid Credentialing ©, brings you a comprehensive suite of solutions tailored to your needs. When working with Rapid Credentialing on Medicare Enrollment we provide the ability to oversee the entire process with our trusted partner.

Additionally, they offer special pricing for KMC University Members!

Why Choose Us?

Medicare Enrollment GAP AnalysisAt KMC University, we understand the complexities of Medicare credentialing and NPI. Our decades of experience, coupled with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved, ensure a hassle-free experience for you.

Our Services

  • Medicare Part B Individual Enrollment
    Start your Medicare journey as an individual practitioner. With our expedited process, enroll within 30-45 days.
  • Medicare Part B Business Entity Group Enrollment
    Often, the business entity must also be enrolled. Establish your group’s Medicare presence efficiently with our dedicated group enrollment services.
  • National Provider Identifier (NPI)  Services
    Need to obtain or update your NPI? We offer both individual and group NPI services.
  • Medicare Part B  Revalidation
    It’s required every 5 years. Stay compliant with Medicare regulations with our revalidation services.
  • Business Entity Address Change & New Doctor Affiliation
    Every change and new provider must be added to your entity. Keep your records up-to-date with our seamless address change and affiliation services.
  • EDI Enrollment
    Electronic billing is probably required for you. We will simplify electronic data interchange (EDI) as we get you set up for success, quickly, and efficiently.  

3 Paths to Success

We offer three tailored paths to credentialing success:

Credentialing Only
If you are an established office who is adding a new doctor, this might work for you. Otherwise, credentialing without proper training could put you're practice at risk and is not recommended.
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Credentialing PLUS
3-Month/Annual Library
Use the self-help Library and HelpDesk to firm up your knowledge on all things Medicare and receive the member discounted rates for credentialing.
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Credentialing PLUS
1-on-1 Medicare Coaching
Using the Medicare Billing and Documentation Protocol you get comprehensive, customized and
personal training.
Click to Find Your Best Plan!Click to Find Your Best Plan!

Get Started Today!

First, find out if you need help with your Medicare Part B Enrollment by completing this brief Medicare Enrollment GAP Analysis.  Once completed, we’ll analyze your answers to come up with a detailed report for you. You’ll know where things currently stand in your practice and how things might be improved to decrease your level of risk.

Don’t be that noncompliant office who thinks that it’s OK to see Medicare Part B patients and charge them cash without submitting their billings to Medicare. That behavior is not congruent with the on-purpose philosophy of you or your practice.  Trust KMC University’s experts to help bring you into compliance and give you the peace of mind you’re looking for with Medicare. Reach out today and experience the difference!

Still have questions?

Schedule a FREE Discovery Assessment

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Knowledgeable, professional, friendly, reliable

Nancy G.