Sports Chiropractic Boot Camp
Getting Involved and Staying Involved in Sports Chiropractic
From start to finish, we will look at all the ins and outs for getting involved and staying involved in sports chiropractic. Whether your goal is to attract athletes of all levels into your office or you want to be on the side line, I will share simple steps to help you achieve your personal goals.
There is no better way to let people know what you do as a chiropractor then through sports.
Successful completion of this course will allow you to:
- Break down possible opportunities at every level of athletics.
- Help you with documentation and communication.
- Show you ways you can and should be paid for what you do.
- And we will even throw in a module on risk management, one of the biggest areas causing doctors in sports medicine to lose their jobs.
What’s Included in this Course
In this 6-module course, we will discuss the basics for getting involved and staying involved as a sports chiropractor at any level. Starting with the basics of what is involved working with athletes in and outside your office. We will tackle the pro’s, cons and challenges faced in the office, training room and on the field.
- Module 1: No Better Time to be a Sports Chiropractor / Dr. Sok’s Sweet 16 for Getting Involved and Staying Involved in Sports Chiropractic
- Module 2: Successful Integration of Chiropractic Care in the Athletic Training Room
- Module 3: Opportunities are Everywhere! Let’s Find Them
- Module 4: Documentation in Sports Chiropractic
- Module 5: Wait! I Can Get Paid for This? Yes You Can
- Module 6: What You Say Can Hurt You! Managing Risk in Sports Chiropractic
- Module 7: Time: The Commitments and Balance
These modules are broken down in easy to follow chapters, allowing you to complete the course at your own pace. The first module will give you an overview of the entire course, with pearls of experience to help you achieve your goals even faster.
And in the event you find yourself in a specific situation and you want to bring your game to the next level, through KMC University, we will have individual consulting sessions available.
There is no better time to be a sports chiropractor then now.
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Sports Chiropractic Boot Camp Interest
...KMC University is extremely well structured, organized, knowledgeable and efficient. The KMC Library is stuffed full of everything one would ever need to become educated in the world of HIPAA while still being user friendly by providing informational sheets, videos etc. Each section in the Library provides a flow chart as to how it should be followed and implemented. Everything is easily comprehensible for executives and staff to be trained. It is all very impressive...