Intake Fundamentals
Start with Your Chiropractic Patient’s Primary Area of Focus
One of the most important elements when evaluating intake fundamentals is collecting patient History of Present Illness (HPI). Even though this data is normally placed in the Subjective section of the note, it is a contributing factor in the patient’s history that drives the examination and ultimate treatment. This is because the HPI elements that a patient presents with normally have a direct clinical correlation to the type and severity of your chiropractic patient’s condition they are being treated for.
Expand Your Search for Relevant Data to Understand Your Chiropractic Patient’s Needs
A proper Evaluation and Management service (E/M) must include a review of the relevant body systems (ROS) which could affect the patient’s care outcomes or current complaint. This ROS can help identify complicating factors or contraindications for the patient’s treatment. It is for these reasons that the ROS is vital to the case management of the chiropractic patient and must be performed as part of the initial visit for each episode of care.
Past, Family, and Social History Will Round Out Your Chiropractic Patient’s Health Picture
When a patient presents for evaluation of their health concern, we have a responsibility to thoroughly collect their Past, Family and Social History (PFSH). This information relates to ordering examination, radiology, additional testing and/or possible referrals for the management of issues beyond our scope of practice.
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...Not only is the Library impressive, but our one-on-one coaching with our Subject Matter Expert, Jill, was what really got us through this process. Jill got us set up with a portal to organize our work and keep us on task, coached us via phone call to discover any risks and resolve them, and continued to meet with us until all our assignments were completed. We still have some things to finish up throughout the remainder of the year, but Jill expertly trained us so that we can stand on our own from here and complete the process ourselves. To me, the ability to feel confident enough in this process to continue on my own is the most valuable thing, and Jill and KMC have provided us with that ability...