The Significance of Documenting Your Chiropractic Patient’s Initial Assessment
Documenting Assessment and Diagnosis: The initial assessment is the basis for documentation of your chiropractic patient evaluation including the patient’s condition as well as prognosis. This crucial assessment step must never be missed, dismissed, or considered redundant in your practice, because, it does clarify, augment and add important facts to your chiropractic documentation including your diagnosis and treatment plan.
Documentation of the Assessment Process and Diagnostic Decisions in Your Chiropractic Practice
Search below for more information on documenting your chiropractic process and diagnostic decision-making process in your chiropractic practice.
Join the KMC University Library to learn what you need include to know about documenting your chiropractic assessment process and diagnostic decision-making process in your chiropractic documentation, so that your chiropractic patients story makes sense to anyone who reviews your chiropractic documentation.
I wanted to thank you for your work with me on the HIPAA program. It is a huge undertaking and I can say with absolute certainty that I could not have done it without your help and all the work that you did behind the scene. I would tell anyone thinking about trying to do it on their own, not to waste their time and money and just sign up for this assistance.