Your documentation should provide a clear, detailed story of what happened with your patient. This section of your training will show you how to better document patient visits. You’ll learn how to determine medically necessary vs. clinically appropriate care, how to talk to patients so they comply with instructions, NCQA documentation standards, and more. You’ll also customize your own documentation policies using our templates. Chiropractors have a reputation as terrible documentarians. Let’s prove ‘em wrong!
If you are looking to invest in your practice in the best possible way with the best possible people, KMC University is the way to go. They are thorough, extremely knowledgeable, and truly go above and beyond to provide technical and emotional support through what can be an exceptionally tedious process with reimbursement, documentation and compliance. Whether you need to brush up on your HIPAA guidelines and policies, or you are completely starting from scratch, they will give you the tools and show you how to use them.